July 2019

​​What is C. diff and what to do  

How do I get C. diff? Even though antibiotics are helpful to fight certain infections, they can destroy your stomach’s good bacteria. This can cause the C. diff germ to grow and may make you sick. C. diff can also be spread when you touch something that is soiled with the bowel movement (stools) from someone who’s infected, like if someone uses the bathroom without washing their hands and touches a doorknob.

Ask your doctor if you have questions, or visit https://www.cdc.gov/cdiff/ for more information.

How can I prevent C. diff?

Two pill bottles, a toliet and two hands scrubbing in water showing ways to prevent C. diff  

Ask your doctor if you have questions, or visit https://www.cdc.gov/cdiff/ for more information. 

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