Thumbnail associated with Event Reporting story titled: Newborn Tragedy Inspires Safety Interventions
The birth of a couple’s first child went from one of the most exciting moments of their lives to a nightmare no parent ever wants to have, following a long and complicated delivery that required an uncommonly used vacuum extraction delivery.
Thumbnail associated with Event Reporting story titled: Bringing Awareness to Infant Falls
While reviewing high harm events, a Patient Safety Authority analyst noted a report describing the near-death of a newborn after the mother fell asleep with the baby in her arms.
Thumbnail associated with Event Reporting story titled: Drug Mix-Up in High-Risk Pregnancy Prompts Medication Process Changes
A woman in her second trimester (24 weeks gestation), who had experienced two prior fetal losses at 18 and 20 weeks respectively and had undergone a cervical cerclage (closing the cervix with stitches to hold a pregnancy) about a month earlier, presented to the hospital with intermittent contractions.